Install Chromium Browser on Ubuntu 20.04 - Step by step guide ?

Chromium is an open-source browser built and maintained by Google. Many popular browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge are built on Chromium with additional features added to them. Chromium is an excellent browser for people who value online privacy because it's completely open-source and doesn't use any proprietary codecs. It does not send your usage information to Google.

Here at LinuxAPT, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to perform related open-source Software Installation queries.

In this context, we shall look into the installation procedure of the Chromium browser on Ubuntu 20.04.

Different ways of installing Chromium on Ubuntu

  • Via Snap. 
  • Via deb package from the default Ubuntu repositories.

1. Chromium installation via Snap

Chromium browser is available as a snap package and is distributed by Canonical. Installing snap packages can be accomplished via the terminal or Ubuntu software.

To install the Chromium snap package using the terminal, execute the below command:

$ sudo snap install chromium

This will download all the required dependencies for Chromium. 

2. Chromium installation via the APT package manager

The Chromium package is also available in the default Ubuntu repositories. Before installing Chromium, ensure that your system packages are updated:

$ sudo apt update

Then install Chromium browser using snap:

$ sudo apt install chromium-browser

How to launch Chromium ?

You can launch Chromium on Ubuntu 20.04 from the Activities menu. Search for Chromium and click on the icon to start the application.

You can also launch it by running the following command on your terminal:

$ chromium-browser

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This article covers the complete procedure of installing chromium on Ubuntu 20.04. In fact, In fact, Popular browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, and Brave, to name a few, are all based on Chromium. 

Chromium browser is different from Chromium OS. But they both are maintained by the Chromium Project.

How to Install Chromium on Ubuntu Graphically ?

1. Start the Ubuntu Software Center.

2. Search for Chromium Browser and click on the appropriate result.

3. Click on Install.

4. Wait for the installation to finish. Once completed, you will see the "Remove" button.

5. Start Chromium via the Application menu.

How to uninstall Chromium from Ubuntu ?

You can uninstall Chromium browser graphically through the Ubuntu Software center or using the below commands:

1. To uninstall chromium using apt run the following command:

$ sudo apt remove chromium-browser

2. To uninstall chromium using snap run the following command:

$ sudo snap remove chromium

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