Install Okular on Linux Mint 20 - Step by step guide ?

Okular is a multi-platform document viewer having PDF editing capabilities. It can be used to visualize and modify professional level documents very conveniently.

Here at LinuxAPT, we will look into how to install the Okular document viewer on Linux Mint 20.

Main features of Okular includes:

  • Okular allows you to read PDF documents, comics and EPub books.
  • Browse images.
  • Visualize Markdown documents.
  • Okular supports many formats, including PDF, EPub, DjVU and MD for documents; JPEG, PNG, GIF, Tiff, WebP for images; CBR and CBZ for comics; and many, many more.
  • With Okular's 'Annotation mode', you can easily add inline and popup notes, highlight and underline text, or even add your own text.
  • With Okular's 'Selection mode', you can copy and paste almost anything from your documents to elsewhere. And, for those times the text you want to read is too small, you can use the 'Magnifier mode'.
  • With Okular's 'Thumbnails panel', you can browse graphically the part of the document you were looking for. With the 'Content panel', find the chapter you need in all supported documents.
  • You can view and verify digital signatures embedded in PDFs, check if they are still valid, and detect any modifications since the moment the document was signed. 

Steps to install Okular on Linux Mint 20

1. Perform System Update

To begin, make sure your system is up to date by running the following apt commands in the terminal:

$ sudo apt update

2. Enable snapd on Linux Mint 20

On Linux Mint 20, /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref needs to be removed before Snap can be installed. This can be accomplished from the command line:

$ sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref
$ sudo apt update

To install snap from the Software Manager application, search for snapd and click Install.

Alternatively, snapd can be installed from the command line:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install snapd

Next, confirm that Snap Daemon is on your system with the below command:

$ snap --version

3. Install Okular on the system

Now, you can install Okular by running the following command:

$ sudo snap install okular

How to Launch Okular on Linux Mint 20 ?

You can launch Okular from Linux the Mint 20 terminal by running the following command:

$ okular

This will display Okular PDF editor's interface.

How to uninstall Okular from Linux Mint 20 ?

You can run the below command to remove the Okular PDF editor from Linux Mint 20:

$ sudo snap remove okular

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This article covers how to install Okular on a Linux Mint 20 system. In fact, Okular is a universal document viewer with support for advanced document features, such as annotations, forms, and embedded files.

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