Install Firefox on Debian 11 - Step by step guide ?

Mozilla Firefox is a free and open-source web browser from the Mozilla foundation. This browser receives new updates constantly from a large community.  There are various extensions are available that you can in your Firefox browser to increase the functionality. Firefox can install on all popular operating systems.

Here at LinuxAPT, we shall look into how to install Mozilla Firefox on Debian 11 bullseye Linux distribution.

Different ways of performing Mozilla Firefox installation on Debian 11:

  • Mozilla Firefox installation using the apt package manager.
  • Mozilla Firefox installation from the official page.

1. Mozilla Firefox installation using the apt package manager

The Firefox is available for installation in the Debian base repository. To install the Mozilla Firefox using the apt repository, it is recommended for you to first update and upgrade the repository packages index by using the following command:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade

Next, install the Firefox browser by typing the following command using apt repository:

$ sudo apt install firefox-esr

2. Mozilla Firefox installation from the official page

You can install the Mozilla Firefox browser from the official Firefox page, you will get the latest version of the Firefox browser on your Debian 11 system. Therefore, visit the official page of the Mozilla Firefox browser or download the binary of Firefox using the 'wget' command:

$ wget -O firefoxsetup.tar.bz2 ""

Once the tar file is downloaded, extract the Firefox setup by executing the following command:

$ sudo tar -xf firefoxsetup.tar.bz2 --directory /opt

Now, access the Firefox browser using the following command:

$ /opt/firefox/./firefox

How to Create application and Desktop shortcut ?

Create a file using a source code editor:

$ sudo nano ~/Desktop/firefox.desktop

Next, copy and paste the following source code in this file:

[Desktop Entry]

Save the file using `Ctrl+O` and press `Ctrl+x` to exit from the Nano editor.

Now, create the application launcher using the following command:

$ sudo cp ~/Desktop/firefox.desktop /usr/share/applications/

How to Access Mozilla Firefox browser on Debian 11 system ?

Once the installation of the Firefox browser is completed, launch it by using the application menu. Or type the Firefox in the search bar by clicking on the `Activities`.

How to Uninstall Firefox browser from Debian 11 ?

You can uninstall the Firefox browser by running the below-mentioned command:

$ sudo apt remove firefox-esr

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This article covers how to install the latest version of Mozilla Firefox browser on Debian 11 system. In fact, firefox is Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla.

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