Run Linux Mint 20 in Virtual Box - How to do it ?

Running Linux Mint 20 on your virtual box as a virtual machine can unravel all the potentials that this operating system holds for you. 

Here at LinuxAPT, we shall look into how you can install and run Linux Mint 20 in the virtual box.

Steps for running Linux Mint 20 in Virtual Box

1. Download Linux Mint 20 virtual machine

For running Linux Mint 20 in the virtual box, you must have a Linux Mint 20 virtual machine installed on it. However, before creating the desired virtual machine on the virtual box, you must have its relevant ISO file downloaded on your system which you can simply do by visiting the following link:

2. Launch Virtual Box on your Host System

Here, you need to launch the virtual box on your host system by clicking on its icon in your system's desktop.

3. Select the Linux Mint 20 Virtual Machine and Hit the Start Button

Once you have managed to launch the virtual box on your system, you need to locate and select the Linux Mint 20 virtual machine. After that, you simply need to click on the "Start" button for running Linux Mint 20 on the virtual box.

4. Provide the Password for your User Account if any

After starting the Linux Mint 20 virtual machine, you will be asked to provide the password (if you have set up any) for logging into your desired user account.

Once you will provide that password, you will successfully log in to Linux Mint 20. At this point, your Linux Mint 20 virtual machine will be up and running and you will easily be able to do whatever you want with it.

[Need help in setting up your Linux system in a Virtual Box ? We can help you. ]

This article covers the process of running Linux Mint 20 in a virtual box. In fact, As VirtualBox supports Windows, MAC, and Linux, you can virtualize Linux mint irrespective of the operating system that you have, because you can run VirtualBox and virtualize Linux mint with it. 

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