Nedit also known as Nirvana Editor is a programmer-centric text editor which contains the power of a robust integrated development environment. The Nirvana editor is for programmers by programmers. It does not burden the system and uses a few resources.
Here at LinuxAPT, we shall look into how to install nirvana editor on your Debian system.
To Install Nirvana Text Editor on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, visit
Nirvana Editor does not need any dependencies to get it installed.
To start this installation, you need to update the system packages with the below command:
$ sudo apt update
When system repositories are updated, you are ready to install the nEdit text editor with the below command:
$ sudo apt install nedit
From your command line, run the below command to check the version of the installed software:
$ nedit --version
To launch nEdit, simply run the below command:
$ nedit
You can also launch it via the graphical dashboard.
You can run the below command to remove Nirvana editor from the system:
$ sudo apt remove nedit
This article covers how to install and use nEdit on Debian 11 system. In fact, nedit is powerful, customizable, Motif based text editor. It provides intensive support for development in a wide variety of languages, text processors, and other tools, but at the same time can be used productively by just about anyone who needs to edit text.