Install kakoune Editor on Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) - Step by step guide ?

Kakoune is an editor that is a model code editor. It binds Vi keystorkes into a text editing language. Kakoune is highly inspired by Vi therefore it look slightly similar to expeirienced developers and system admins. It does a great job of editing files either on a local system or a server.

Here at LinuxAPT, we shall look into how to install Kakoune on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Steps to Install Kakoune Package on Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)

1. Perform System Update

To begin, run the below command to update the system packages:

$ sudo apt update

2. Install Kakoune Editor on the system

No, run the below command to install Kakoune Editor:

$ sudo apt install kakoune

3. Verify Kakoune Installation

Kakoune is a command-line-based and lightweight application. Therefore it can only be run via CLI. At the time of writing, Kakoune does not display any version number when invoked, but it does show that it is installed. Run the following command to find it out:

$ kak -version

4. Launch Kakoune Editor

To launch Kakoune editor, you will have to run the following command:

$ kak

Kakoune will begin running once you invoke the kak command.

5. Important Kakoune Key Bindings

The Following key bindings will help you to navigate through the editor:

  • <esc>: It will leave insert mode.
  • <backspace>: It will delete characters before cursors.
  • <del>: It will delete characters under cursors.
  • <left>, <right>, <up>, <down>: This will move the cursors in given direction
  • <home>: This key moves cursors to line begin.
  • <end>: This key moves cursors to the end of the line.

How to Uninstall Kakoune Editor From Ubuntu 22.04 ?

You can run the below command to remove Kakoune editor from the system:

$ sudo apt remove kakoune

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This article covers how to install kakoune on Ubuntu 22.04. In fact, Kakoune is a code editor heavily inspired by Vim; as such most of its commands are similar to vi’s ones, and it shares Vi's "keystrokes as a text editing language" model. Kakoune can operate in two modes, normal and insertion. In insertion mode, keys are directly inserted into the current buffer. In normal mode, keys are used to manipulate the current selection and to enter insertion mode. Kakoune has a strong focus on interactivity, most commands provide immediate and incremental results, while still being competitive (as in keystroke count) with Vim. Kakoune works on selections, which are oriented, inclusive range of characters; selections have an anchor and a cursor character. Most commands move both of them, except when extending selection where the anchor character stays fixed and the cursor one moves around.

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