DMIDECODE Command in Linux - How to use it ?

A computer system is a combination of different hardware and software components. At times, you wish to extract some details about all the hardware components of your system. If you are operating on a Linux-based system, then you can use the DMIDECODE command to get all the relevant hardware information of your system.

This includes the information related to your processor, RAM, BIOS, etc. As far as the CPU ID is concerned, that unique sequence of characters distinguishes your processor from the others out there

Here at LinuxAPT, we shall look into how to use the DMIDECODE Command.

Examples of using DMIDECODE Command in Linux

1. How to display all the Hardware-Related Information ?

You can display all the hardware-related information on the Linux terminal regardless of the underlying hardware device with the below DMIDECODE command without any flags: 

$ sudo dmidecode

This will display all the hardware-related information about our Linux system.

2. How to display all the Processor-Related Information ?

To trim down the output of the DMIDECODE command and print only the processor-related information on the terminal, simply run the below command:

$ sudo dmidecode –t processor

This will display the processor-related information of our Linux system.

3. How to display all the BIOS-Related Information

To display all the BIOS-related information, run the DMIDECODE command below:

$ sudo dmidecode –t bios

This will display all the BIOS-related information of our Linux system.

4. How to display all the Chassis-Related Information

You can use the DMIDECODE command in Linux just for printing all the chassis-related information with the below command:

$ sudo dmidecode –t 3

This will display the chassis-related information of our Linux system.

5. How to access the Help Manual of the DMIDECODE Command ?

Finally, you can access the help manual of the DMIDECODE command by running:

$ dmidecode --help

The help manual of the DMIDECODE command will help to find out all the options that can be paired up for serving various purposes.

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This article covers the usage of the DMIDECODE command in Linux. In fact, the "dmidecode" command in Linux is used for extracting all the hardware-related information of your system. 

Dmidecode stands for DMI (Desktop Management Interface) table decoder, as the name suggests it reads the data from DMI table and represents to us in human readable format. DMI table holds the system hardware details like BIOS, Serial Number, RAM(DIMMs) and CPU details etc, apart from this dmidecode can also retrieve details about the maximum system supported configuration (like DIMMs & Processors etc).

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