Install KDE Plasma on Ubuntu 20.04 - Step by Step process to implement it ?

In the world of Linux desktop environments, the ones that dominate are GNOME and KDE. There are several other desktop environments but these two are the best.

Ubuntu offers several desktop flavors and the KDE version is called Kubuntu.

With Kubuntu you get the KDE desktop baked with Ubuntu, out of the box.

Basically, KDE Plasma is used as a graphical workspaces environment for Linux systems.

Here at LinuxAPT, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to perform Open Source Software Installation tasks on Ubuntu Machines.

In this context, we shall look into how to install KDE Plasma on a Ubuntu system. 

How to install KDE Plasma on Ubuntu ?

To install KDE Plasma, open up the terminal window using the Ctl+Alt+T shortcut or go to the Applications Terminal in your computer system, and then follow the steps given below.

1. Install tasksel

To install the KDE plasma desktop in our computer system, we will be using the tasksel command. If you do not have tasksel command, then simply install it using the following command:

$ sudo apt install tasksel

The installation will begin and the system will prompt. Press Y from the keyboard and then hit the <enter> key to continue the process of installation.

2. Install KDE Plasma desktop

To install the KDE Plasma desktop, type the following command in the terminal window:

$ sudo tasksel install kubuntu-desktop

As soon as you press the enter key, the installation of the package will begin.

In case, if the system prompts an Encfs security information, press the <OK> option by selecting the enter button from your keyboard to proceed with the process of installation of KDE Plasma.

This is a time taking process so hold on and wait till its completion.

3. Reboot Ubuntu system

Now, you should reboot the Ubuntu system, once you have completed the process of installation of the KDE Plasma desktop.

To do this, Hit the Restart button.

On the restart, your computer will show the Kubuntu Welcome page with its logo.

This is a clear method to verify the installation of the KDE desktop on Ubuntu 20.04 system.

4. Select the Desktop session

Now, you need to set up your desktop session as Plasma. 

This could be easily achieved by clicking on the Settings icon available from the login screen. 

Here, you find multiple options, in the menu. 

Click on the Plasma option to keep your desktop session to KDE Plasma.

The KDE desktop will begin to become ready to use.

After that, the new Plasma Desktop will begin to run, you can verify the version of KDE Plasma installed by searching the System Information from the Applications.

The System Information window will open up.

Here, you will see the version of KDE Plasma installed in your system in front of KDE Plasma Version field.

How to uninstall KDE Plasma from Ubuntu system ?

To uninstall KDE Plasma from the computer system we need to remove the tasksel package first.

To do so, type the following command in the terminal window:

$ sudo apt-get remove tasksel

Type Y and then press the enter key from the keyboard to confirm the selection.

After the completion of this process, remove the Kubuntu desktop from the computer system, by using the command:

$ sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop

Again, type Y and then press the enter key from the keyboard to confirm the selection.

This action will successfully uninstall KDE Plasma from Ubuntu 20.04, whenever needed.

[Need urgent assistance in fixing missing packages on Ubuntu system? We are available to help you today. ]

This article covers how to install KDE Plasma on Ubuntu 20.04 system. The Plasma desktop option will be available along with the standard Ubuntu system. Also, you will learn the steps to uninstall KDE Plasma from the Ubuntu system. 

KDE is the short form for K Desktop Environment.

Plasma is the desktop environment and KDE is the umbrella project responsible for the development of Plasma desktop and a bunch of other applications.

To Install KDE desktop environment on Ubuntu:

For KDE Full - This is the complete KDE pack. It comes with the complete package and core KDE plasma desktop. 

$ sudo apt install kde-full

For KDE Standard - It includes Plasma desktop with standard set of KDE apps such as Kate (default text editor), Konqueror (default web browser), Kget (Download Manager), KMail (email client), Dolphin (File Manager) and so on. 

$ sudo apt install kde-standard

To install KDE Plasma Desktop:

Run the command - $ sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop

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