Install Rhythmbox on Linux Mint 20 - Step by Step Process ?

Rhythmbox is a free and open-source audio-playing application for Linux-based systems. Most Linux distributions have this application installed on them by default, however, you can always upgrade an already existing default version of Rhythmbox.

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In this context, we shall look into how we can install this application on a Linux Mint 20 machine.

How to Install Rhythmbox on Linux Mint 20 ?

To install Rhythmbox on a Linux Mint 20 system, you can quickly perform the following steps on your system.

1. Update System

You must update your system before installing any new program on it, we are going to do the same thing again with the help of the command below:

$ sudo apt update

By updating our Linux Mint 20 system, we have made it ready to install Rhythmbox on it.

2. Install Rhythmbox

To install Rhythmbox on a Linux Mint 20 system, the following command is to be executed on its terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install rhythmbox

Executing this command will install the latest version of Rhythmbox on your Linux Mint 20 system.

3. Verify Rhythmbox Installation

Once the program has been installed on your Linux system, you can verify it by checking its version in the manner shown below:

$ rhythmbox --version

This command will display the exact version of Rhythmbox currently installed on our Linux Mint 20 system.

4. Launch Rhythmbox from the Terminal 

You can even launch the Rhythmbox application from your Linux Mint 20 terminal with the help of the following command:

$ rhythmbox

This command will display the welcome interface of the Rhythmbox application.

How to Uninstall Rhythmbox from Linux Mint system ?

In order to remove the Rhythmbox application from your Linux Mint 20 system, simply execute the command:

$ sudo apt remove rhythmbox

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This article covers the best method of installing the Rhythmbox audio playing application on a Linux Mint 20 system. Rhythmbox is a free and open-source audio player that plays and helps organize digital audio files. the features of Rhythmbox like Music playback, gapless playback, music importing, audio CD burning and SoundCloud support. 

How to remove Rhythmbox from Ubuntu?

You can also remove it by downgrading the player via command window at the same time:

$ sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
$ sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/apps

If it fails to remove, you can also remove it from the Software and Update utility on Ubuntu.

Main Features of Rhythmbox:

  • Fixed Critical Errors and Internal Bugs.
  • Fixed Rhythmbox crashed during import.
  • Command option added.
  • Very good layout and design.
  • Play queue UI improvements feature added.
  • Added Expand playing icon in the entry view
  • Fixed hangs for a special file type.
  • Fixed Open settings Crash for this app.
  • Fixed Keyboard navigation tab when searching an entry widget.

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