Top 7 Free and Best Open-Source Help Desk Management Software

Help desk management tools have gained hype in recent times. The facility allows streamlining a number of processes at a workplace which otherwise, would have required a lot of manual hassle. Every office receives numerous calls every day. Answering them all by designated people is a thing of the past. Desk management tools enable offices to install a system that automatically handles and manages the incoming calls or email messages which benefits both parties. The caller receives a prompt response, which otherwise would have taken days by people sitting at the front or at the help desks to respond. On the other hand, the burden from the help desk team is offloaded a bit, and management is made easy as well. The basic elements of any help desk management tool are ticket management, query management, and support. Support is provided by various means of modern communication such as e-mails, chat support, websites, SMS, and toll-free numbers.

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In this context, we shall look into the help desk management software that is both free and open-source.


Open-source Ticketing Request System or OTRS is a free, open-source, and multi-platform compatible service management tool that provides a list of features. OTRS includes features enabling seamless handling and managing the help desk ticketing, customer management, and reporting tools. Other features include a variety of self-service tools, help desk ticket creation facility, SMS notification system, integrated chat system, knowledge base, process and workflow automation capabilities, mobile-friendly application, etc. The tool is adopted by many paradigms including ITSM, customer service, or information security systems. With OTRS, users are able to request tickets through a range of routes and options such as customer portal, chat, phone or fax, email, etc.

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2. osTicket

osTicket is an absolutely free help desk software that comes under the open-source software license. The platform provides its users an efficient mechanism for ticketing that transfers the user's inquiries produced via web forms, emails, fax, or phone calls to an intuitive web interface that seamlessly provides support and a management system for these incoming queries. The platform, osTicket provides a list of enhanced features and set of capabilities such as custom fields for data collection, support for HTML email that ensures better staff notes and replies, custom forms and lists to enhance user experience, seamless filtering and sorting capabilities, custom views that adapt to user's preference of viewing different tickets, a vast list of help topics created by the active community of the platform that continuously helps enhance the platform’s performance and abilities, etc.

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3. GLPi

The free and open-source help desk platform comes feature packed with a list of features most required by users across many companies and organizations. GLPI works as application software that functions as an information resource manager. With GLPI, the users seamlessly administrate their work. Other enhanced features of the platform include an advanced database inventory that helps manage the vast and tedious task of job tracking and managing mail notifications, ITIL Compliant ServiceDesk, a variety of users and ability to manage their tickets, intervention demands management, ticket escalation mechanisms, enhanced and latest reports, and statistics features, reservation management solution, knowledge database, and the list goes on.

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4. Mantis Bug Tracker

Mantis Bug Tracker is a completely free and open-source help desk management software. Mantis, as the insect is known for tracking and feeding-off of other bugs, so is the software known for its efficient tracking capabilities. The web-based bug tracking system helps track any software solution’s bugs and defects but is also widely used and adopted by many across the globe for its efficient issue tracking system and project management functionalities. With Mantis solution, the users are able to communicate with fellow users, resolve and track bugs, can get their hands on an efficient notifications system with RSS feeds, revision control management system, etc. Other features include full-text search, audit trails of changes made to issues, revision control of text fields and notes, roadmaps, changelogs, wiki documentation integration for XWiki, TWiki, WackoWiki, WikkaWiki, MediaWiki, and DokuWiki, news, project Management, and TimeTracking with CodevTT and the list goes on.

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5. Sinergia

Sinergia help desk solution software is a solution for software developers as it offers a web-based solution that is able to solve a list of issues and problems. The solution offers workflow and Windows Communication Foundation, that enhances and improves new development and management facilities to the software and IT field developers. The fully customizable solution seamlessly integrates with the enterprise’s software ecosystem which takes benefit advantage of the latest version of Microsoft Net. Sinergia’s key features include Help Desk and Ticket Management Solution, Claim management, and order tracking. In Help Desk, the user fills a web form to report a technical incidence. Sinergia can seamlessly adapt to and get customized according to the organization’s or an enterprise’s needs and demands.

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6. ADefHelpDesk

AdefHelpDesk is the first choice of many software engineers and developers or any coding-lover. The platform provides complete access to source code and therefore its active community adds in new features and enhancements every other day. The software comes equipped with a portal supporting many enhanced features and a number of users. Through the platform, the tickets can be assigned to any number of users, or different groups can be created as well. The platform offers two variants, the first is the ASP.NET application and the other is the DotNetNuke Module. Multilingual support, sorting, filtering, are some of the additional features of the feature-packed platform.

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7. Liberum

The free, open-source and extremely simple, and straightforward help desk tool is one of the highly acclaimed and adopted software by many across the globe. Liberum Help Desk comes under the GPL license and the solution is widely used by small to medium-sized organizations. The straightforward tool allows users to efficiently and most easily manage and track technical problems. Liberum offers a list of features such as an active directory authentication, an IIS with a fully web-based interface, the ability to configure email notifications, the capability to send short messages to the most crucial tickets, usage reports, Other than that, users can also get their hands on the enhanced and a vast list of customizations suitable with different clients and their needs.

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Help desk management software solutions help organizations and companies streamline their query management procedures and related tasks. The help desk team instead of answering calls throughout the day, install and implement these solutions that create, track, and manages the query tickets. Thereby offering a prompt solution and response to both the questioner and responder. The Help Desk software solutions discussed in the article are OTRS, osTicket, GLPi, Mantis Bug Tracker, Sinergia, AdefHelpDesk, and Liberum.

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