Install Juju on Linux Mint 20 - Step by step procedure ?

Whenever you want to deploy or manage your applications or services or you have to build complex operating environments quite frequently, then you should consider using Juju. It is a tool that allows you to do efficient application modeling hence reducing the operational costs. This tool is available for the different distributions of the Linux operating system as well as for macOS.

Here at LinuxAPT, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our customers to perform related system applications queries on Linux systems.

In this context, we shall look into the complete Installation procedure of Juju on a Linux Mint 20 system.

Steps to Install Juju on Linux Mint 20

To successfully install Juju on your Linux Mint 20 machine, you can follow the below outlined steps.

1. Download the Desired Version of Juju

To begin, you need to download the desired version of Juju on your Linux Mint 20 machine. You can check all the available versions and also the ones that are compatible with your machine on Juju’s official website. For downloading a required version, you need to run the command shown below:

$ curl –LO

All you need to ensure before running the above-mentioned command is that you should have the "curl" command installed on your system. This command will download the specified version from the Juju's official download page via the Internet and after some time of executing this command, you will have Juju downloaded on your Linux Mint 20 system.

2. Extract the Downloaded Juju File on your System

Now, you need to extract the downloaded Juju file on your machine. To do this, you can make use of the following command:

$ tar xf juju-2.9.0-linux-amd64.tar.xz

This command will immediately extract your downloaded file to the current working directory of your system.

3. Install the Extracted File on your System

Now, your extracted Juju file is all set to be installed. To install it on your Linux Mint 20 system, you will have to run the command shown below:

$ sudo install –o root –g root –m 0755 juju /usr/local/bin/juju

4. Verify Juju Installation

Once the installation process is complete, you can ensure if it has been carried out successfully or not simply by checking Juju's installed version. If this version is the same as that of the one that you downloaded from the Internet, then that will mean that your installation has taken place successfully. The following command needs to be run in this regard:

$ juju version

From the output, you will see the exact installed Juju version on the system's terminal.

[Need assistance in Installing Open Source Software on Ubuntu Linux system ? We can help you. ]

This article covers how you can install Juju on any Linux distribution. In fact, the Juju client is a single binary executable that is published and supported on multiple operating systems and CPU architectures. 

To Install Juju on Linux from snap, run the below command:

$ sudo snap install juju --classic

To Install Juju on macOS, run the below command:

$ brew install juju

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