Install Scribus on Ubuntu 20.04 - A step by Step guide ?

Scribus is an open-source and multi-platform page layout software. It can be installed on most of the common operating systems including Linux, Windows, OpenBSD, MacOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, and NetBSD. This software is suitable for both beginners and experts. With Scribus, you can create a variety of documents, animated and interactive presentations and forms, business cards, flyers, brochures, posters, newsletters, magazines, and so on.

Here at LinuxAPT, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to perform related Linux Software Installation queries.

In this context, we shall look into how to install Scribus on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa).

How to Install Scribus on Ubuntu ?

By default, Scribus is available in the default repositories of Ubuntu OS. Therefore, you can install it using the apt command line package management tool.

To do this, simply open the Terminal application on your Ubuntu system and use this command to update the repository index:

$ sudo apt update

Enter sudo password when prompted. Wait until the repository index is updated.

This step is required to update the package index files with new and updated packages information.

After the update is finished, use the below command to install Scribus:

$ sudo apt install scribus

Provide sudo password. Then it will list all the dependencies that are going to be installed along with the Scribus and ask for confirmation, hit y to confirm. After this, the installation of Scribus and all the dependent packages will be started.

Wait for a while for the installation of Scribus to be completed on your system.

How to Verify Scribus Installation on Ubuntu ?

Once Scribus is installed, you can confirm it using this command:

$ scribus --version

The output will display the version of Scribus installed on our machine.

How to Launch Scribus after Installation ?

To launch the Scribus application via command line, just type the below command and hit Enter:

$ scribus

To launch the Scribus application via GUI, press the super key on the keyboard and type scribus in the search box that appears on the top. When the search result shows up, click Scribus to open it.

How to Uninstall Scribus from Ubuntu Linux system ?

In case you no longer require Scribus on your machine, it can be uninstalled as follows:

$ sudo apt remove scribus

[Need assistance in configuring Nginx web server on Ubuntu Linux system? We are available. ]

This article covers the installation procedure of Scribus on Ubuntu Linux system. In fact, Scribus is an open-source cross-platform application for designing and publishing brochures, newspapers, magazines, posters, books, and even newsletters.

How to Install Scribus in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ?

1. Update the system repository:

$ sudo apt update

2. Install Scribus and related dependencies (if any):

$ sudo apt install scribus

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