Install Netdata on Linux Mint 20

Netdata is a popular web-based service for monitoring the performance of a computer system either remotely or locally. This service is specially designed for Linux and macOS systems.

Here at LinuxAPT, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to perform related Software Installation queries.

In this context, we shall look into the process of installing the Netdata service on a Linux Mint 20 system.

How to Install and configure Netdata on Linux Mint 20 ?

To install the Netdata service on a Linux Mint 20 system, you will have to perform the following steps.

1. Perform system update

To begin, we will fix all the broken dependencies on our system by updating it:

$ sudo apt update

2. Install Netdata

Then, we will install Netdata on our system by running the command shown below:

$ bash <(curl –Ss

The Netdata service will take a sufficient amount of time to get installed on your system after which you will receive a confirmation message.

3. Start the Netdata Service

Now, we will start the Netdata service by executing the below command

$ sudo systemctl start netdata

4. Enable the Netdata Service

Here, we will enable the Netdata service by running the following command:

$ sudo systemctl enable netdata

5. Check the Status of the Netdata Service

We can check if the Netdata service has been activated or not by checking its status with the help of the command stated below:

$ sudo systemctl status netdata

This command will display the status of the Netdata service installed on our system.

How to update the Firewall Rules for Allowing the Netdata Service ?

Finally, we need to update the Firewall rules for allowing the Netdata service by running the below command:

$ sudo ufw allow 19999/tcp

Once the Firewall rules will be updated, you will be able to see the messages confirming that the Rule has been addes on your terminal.

How to Uninstall Netdata from Linux Mint 20 ?

Removing the Netdata service from a Linux Mint 20 system is a bit tricky but if you will correctly follow the steps mentioned below, you will easily be able to get rid of this service from your system:

1. Install the Bash Script for Removing Netdata

First, we need to install a Bash script from GitHub with the help of which we will remove the Netdata service from our system. This script can be installed by executing the following command:

$ wget

2. make the Installed Bash Script Executable

After installing this Bash script, we need to make it executable by running the command shown below:

$ sudo chmod +x ./

3. Remove Netdata from Linux Mint 20:

Finally, we can execute this Bash script for removing Netdata from our system by running the following command:

$ sudo ./ --yes --env /etc/netdata/.environment

This process will surely remove the Netdata service from your system.

[Need assistance in fixing Software packages configuration issues on Linux system ? We can help you. ]

This article covers how to install Netdata on a Linux Mint 20 machine and then use this service for measuring the performance of your system. In fact, Netdata is a free and open-source real-time monitoring and troubleshooting tool for cloud servers, containers, applications, and on-premise IT infrastructure. You can view the results in a highly interactive web-dashboard.

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