Install Ferdi Messaging Suite on Ubuntu 20.10 Edition - A step by step process ?

Ferdi is a messaging browser that helps you to stay connected with your family, friends, and team members at work in one window. There is something unique about Ferdi that is it connects with all famous platforms.

Here at LinuxAPT, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to perform related Linux Software Installation queries.

In this context, we shall look into how to install Ferdi messenger on Ubuntu 20.10 Linux system.

How to install Ferdi messenger on Ubuntu ?

1. Download Ferdi Messenger

Ferdi is free open-source software. However, it does not exist in Linux repositories. Therefore, you will need to grab .deb binaries for Ubuntu:

2. Install Ferdi Messenger

Once downloaded grab the .deb binaries from the Download folder, simply Double click on the setup files and your gdebi installer will begin the installation. To continue installation, you will need to enter your system password. Once installation is finished you will see gdebi Installation message.

How to confirm Ferdi Installation ?

It is the best choice to look into your system dashboard to confirm the installation of Ferdi. Sometimes it happens that you will not find installed software in your system menu. This is because the system requires a restart.

Ferdi will show up in your system dashboard once you search for it.

How to launch Ferdi Messaging Suite ?

You can use both the command line and dashboard. To launch it from the command line simply type the name "ferdi" on CLI, and you will see it launching the messenger:

$ ferdi

If you want to use the system menu to launch your messenger then you can go and search it by name and launch it.

How to uninstall Ferdi From your Ubuntu Linux system ?

We can use the standard apt command to remove Ferdi:

$ sudo apt remove ferdi

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This article covers how to download and install ferdi in Ubuntu 20.04 Focal LTS GNU/Linux. In fact, Ferdi centralizes all of your communication with its powerful servers. It is highly stable and takes less memory on Ubuntu.

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